The H&A-PET Workshop is designed to be delivered in partnership with Public and Private Sector entities from any and all industries; Government Departments, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO's), Educational Institutions, Charitable, and For Profit Organisations seeking to improve access to employment opportunities for Candidates on a large scale. The workshop:
Consists of three days of in-class sessions
Delivered via an in class presentation supported by a 5 chapter manual
(manual provided to each candidate to take home)
Delivered to groups of up to 50 candidates
Successful completion will be assessed via
Active in class participation
For more information; about the H&A-PET Workshop, to arrange a presentation about the workshop, and how to arrange a workshop for your 'Organisation' or in your State, kindly make your request via email stating specific requirements as well as providing your organisation's details, and a member of our team will be in contact.
Harobed & Associates - Professional Employability Transition (H&A-PET) Workshop
Defining your career goals
Taking personal inventories
Developing your plan of action to achieve your career goals
Job search tips, things you must know and do
Creating your infomercial
Job search methods that work - social media, marketing letters
Networking strategies: The power of relationship building
Informational interviewing
Writing tips for a winning, keyword, value-based résumé
Effective interviewing strategies - making your sales call
Negotiating for the job at the best price
The H&A-PET Workshop works in tandem with the H&A-PET Manual which has a logical progression through the chapters, while offering practical resources throughout.
The manual was developed to remain relevant to candidates throughout their careers
The information and resources contained within support: entry level employment all the way through to experienced employees, and has supporting resources such as dialogues and résumés for new graduates as well as seasoned employees with even 20 years' experience
*** No Additional materials are required for this course ***
The H&A-PET Manual
H&A-PET Workshop Structure:
1. Goal Setting and Personal Inventories
4. Résumé Writing Tips and Samples
2. Job Search Tips and Methods
3. Networking and the Hidden Job Market
5. Interviewing and Negotiating
Effective interviewing strategies, Negotiating for the job at the best price
Networking strategies: The power of relationship building, Informational interviewing
Job search tips, Things you must know and do, Creating your personal infomercial, Job search methods that work – marketing and cover letters
Writing tips for a winning, keyword, value-based résumé
Defining your career goals, Taking personal inventories, Developing your plan of action
3 day in-class course
Harobed & Associates - Professional Employability Transition Workshop
The primary goal of the H&A-PET Workshop is to teach, coach and empower, young professionals to implement an effective job search campaign, whilst motivating them to take OWNERSHIP of their career development and advancement opportunities. The workshop is all about helping candidates become employed in their next right job while engendering Self-Reliance, and in so doing aide the government's efforts to end the cycle of underemployment as well as unemployment.
Course Overview